Levodopa is a cornerstone of Parkinson’s treatment. Doctors have relied on levodopa for 50 years. And you probably had a good response to levodopa pills when you started taking them.


But as Parkinson’s advances, you may notice that your levodopa pills aren’t working as well as they used to. You may need to take higher doses or take your pills more often.

What’s going on?

Stomach issues can slow your response to levodopa pills

Advanced Parkinson’s Stomach Issues Advanced Parkinson’s Stomach Issues Advanced Parkinson’s Stomach Issues

Parkinson’s can slow your stomach, which delays absorption of levodopa.

Your response gets unpredictable, and you may need to wait for your pills to take effect.

Do your levodopa pills take longer to work? Does this sometimes impact how you plan your day?

As Parkinson’s advances, it’s harder to stay in the “sweet spot”

Advanced Parkinson’s On Time Off Time Advanced Parkinson’s On Time Off Time Advanced Parkinson’s On Time Off Time

Dyskinesia: your body has too much levodopa and you get twisting or turning movements.

“On” time: your levodopa is working well to control your symptoms.

“Off” time: your levodopa isn’t working well, and you feel stiff, move slowly, or can’t get around as well.

Ask yourself: are you having more ups and downs?

Levodopa Wearing Off Icon
Levodopa Delayed On Icon
Levodopa On/Off Fluctuations Icon
Levodopa Wearing Off Icon


Medicine’s benefits are fading before the next dose

Levodopa Delayed On Icon


The time it takes for a dose to take effect is delayed

Levodopa On/Off Fluctuations Icon


Unpredictable changes occur in motor symptoms

Is there a way for you to move beyond the ups and downs?